Using the full moon energy in Libra
As we gaze upon the bright and powerful full moon that illuminates the night sky with its radiant energy, we are about to embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and introspection. The moon's light serves as a guiding force, leading us toward a greater sense of self-awareness that allows us to explore our innermost thoughts, emotions, and actions with clarity and precision. This celestial event presents us with a unique opportunity for growth and self-examination, urging us to delve deep into our souls and examine our innermost desires, fears, and aspirations. It is a time for us to connect with ourselves on a deeper level, to understand our strengths and weaknesses, to recognize our potential, and to embrace the beauty within us.
The Full Moon currently shining upon us holds significant meaning, especially regarding partnership and legal affairs. This is due to the harmonious influence of Libra, the sign where the moon resides. This harmonious influence allows for a beautiful balance and synergy to flow into our personal and professional relationships. It is a reminder to cherish and nurture the connections we share with others, fostering harmony, understanding, and collaboration. This lunar phase is like a beacon, guiding us toward a sense of equilibrium in all aspects of our lives and reminding us to seek balance and harmony in all our relationships.
As we revel in the breathtaking beauty of the luminous full moon, we are called upon to seek balance and solace in the harmonious alignment of the cosmos. This is a moment to heal any disharmony that may have arisen on our journey, nurturing a sense of unity and collaboration within ourselves and with those around us. Let us fully embrace the auspicious energy of this celestial spectacle, allowing it to permeate every aspect of our being and deepen our connections to each other and to the universe. May this special moment inspire us to walk the path of mutual understanding and genuine collaboration, as we embrace the infinite possibilities that await us.
Libra Full Moon favors all activities that are done with partners and will be especially blessed. This is an excellent time for romance.
Where the Sun at 9° 17’Aries falls in your natal chart indicates where you are ready to start something new. Where the Moon at 9°17’ Libra activates your chart shows where you need to incorporate opposing views and desires.
This Full Moon’s energy is great for things involving relationships, marriage, partnerships, and legal matters—healing of the lower back, adrenals, kidneys, venous system, lumbar nerves, and skin.
During this Full Moon in Libra, you can do one or more of the following:
Letting go of old relationships (that are in your heart and mind)
Talk less, listen more, and learn from every word and every action.
Set new budgets
Question to ask yourself at this Full Moon in Libra: What do I need to let go of so I can find a partner who fulfills my physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs?
What is my view of marriage?
What do I think is my sole purpose at this time?
Plan for a ritual ~
Use this energy to manifest mental and intellectual things. Carry a lapis lazuli crystal and burn dark blue candles.
Feng Shui during this Full Moon in Libra ~
Refining your home environment. Use the Feng Shui philosophy to decorate and design for harmony, balance, and peace. You can also use this time to clear the clutter in the home.
Affirmations for this Moon
I know that peace and love are at the core of my being.
I open my heart to access that peace and I share it freely with others.
I walk with grace and in harmony with those around me.
I open myself to the Divine Order that is expressing itself in my life now.
I am eternally posed in perfect balance.
Ruling planet ~ Venus
Element ~ Air
Cardinal Sign
Angels associated with Libra ~ Uriel & Raziel
Uriel (translating "Fire of God"), governor of September, is also known as the Archangel of salvation and is renowned globally for the infamous painting - Dryden's "The State of Innocence," depicted descending from heaven in a chariot drawn by white horses. He is also likened to divine vengeance and justice ~ thus the "scales of Libra."
Crystals for Libra ~ Ametrine, Bloodstone, Chrysoprase, Citrine, Jade, Kyanite, Lepidolite, Mochi Balls, Moonstone, Nephrite, Mahogany Obsidian, Opal, Fire Opal, Pink Opal, Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, Tourmalinated Quartz, Sapphire, Sunstone and Tourmaline
Candle colors for Full Moon in Libra ~ Royal blue, cerulean blue, rose-pink, amethyst, and violet.
Herbs for Libra ~ Catnip, elderberry, thyme, iris, lilies, moneywort, ivy, St John’s wort, bergamot, and lemon balm.