Using the energy of the full moon in Sagittarius
The sign of Sagittarius is known for its fiery nature that allows us to see the true essence of everything around us. Our intuitive insights will be at their peak during this time, so it's important to pay close attention to our dreams and thoughts. This sign is not just about seeing things in black and white but encourages us to look at everything from a broader perspective.
During this full moon cycle in Sagittarius, we are likely to think about bigger aspirations and seek new knowledge. Sagittarius is known as the sign of the seeker and is often associated with faith and prophecy. This is the perfect time to embark on a quest for faith and look at things in a whole new way.
The full moon in Sagittarius can reveal signs and synchronicities that will help us connect the dots and move toward our goals. It's important to know what we want and bring our desires into balance during this time. This full moon energy also supports travel, socializing, meeting new people, and personal healing.
It's easy to get caught up in the material world during this time, with a strong focus on our bodies, money, and material possessions. However, the full moon's energy is potent and can be harnessed for healing, recharging our spirits, and enhancing our energy. This is a time for introspection, centering ourselves, and finding inner peace.
This full moon’s energy is great for things that involving; for publications, legal matters, travel, and truth.
During this Full Moon in Sagittarius, you can do one or more of the following:
We are figuring out what is needed to continue on our path and to solve missing pieces to situations.
A Full Moon asks that you find your balance and set your sight. It asks us to know what we want and to bring our desires into balance so we can attain them. ~ Use the Full moon energy of Sagittarius to hit your mark on the goals that you would like to achieve. Spend this time going over what you already have and making adjustments that may be needed to achieve them.
The liver, thighs, or hips are excellent places to use this energy to heal.
It is a good time to think about the balance between general information and truth. Find what house Sagittarius is in your chart. Then ask yourself: Is this an area of your life where you need a lot of freedom? What kind of commitments do you make in these areas? What are you searching for? What is The Truth about this part of your life?
Think about the perceptions you have about yourself and how others perceive you. Ask yourself: How do you perceive yourself? How do you think other people perceive you? How are their perceptions of you correct? How do you feel you are different from their perceptions?
This Full Moon energy can assist in finding out what your philosophy of life is and where you find true meaning. If you haven’t yet committed to a personal philosophy, perhaps this Full Moon can point you in the right direction.
Enhance your perception. You are finding your truth. Start to explore new things.TravelingJournalingReview the goals that you set during the first of the year. Appreciate others who coexist with us in life.
This is a great time to take a trip, learn new information, socialize with people we know, or make friends.
Go where you’ve never been before ~ even if only in your imagination
Prominently display a photo of yourself (at any age) laughing
Turn at least one pessimistic thought into an optimistic one
Support a business owned by a woman
Plan for a ritual:
To work on ridding yourself of negative thoughts and vibrations.
To help you remain steadfast in your convictions. Involving publications, sports, and the truth.
Affirmations for this moon:
I trust life and know that I am a part of it.
I am open to renewal by allowing old beliefs to fall away.
I connect to the vastness of my being and the spaciousness of my mind
I am unlimited and free and allow others their freedom.
Ruling planet ~Jupiter
Element ~ Fire
Mutable Sign
Angels associated with Sagittarius ~ Adnachiel
Crystals for Sagittarius: Black-banded Agate, Alabaster, Azurite, Chalcedony, Dioptase, Herkimer diamond, Labradorite, Lapis lazuli, Obsidian, Fire Opal, Opal, Peridot, Clear Quartz, Smokey Quartz, Rubellite, Ruby, Sapphire, Sodalite, Spectrolite, Topaz, Turquoise, Wulfenite and Zircon
Candle colors for Full Moon in Sagittarius: lilac, mauve, purple, amethyst, violet, indigo, bright red, and midnight blue.Herbs for Sagittarius: anise, clove, fig, hyssop, mugwort, borage, myrtle, nutmeg, rosemary and sage.