Throat Chakra

Color: Blue
Location: throat area (including lower lip to clavicle)
Element: ether

Mental Belief:
Contains planted, guided, or self-designed truths.
Feeling component:
Regulated by feelings; we must open to what feels right and reject what does not feel right.
Physical process:
May contain the germ of many physical diseases; access point to gain guidance for dealing with physical problems or concerns.
Spiritual perceptions:
Often seen as the seat of the soul because it provides us with guidance from and for our soul self.

Body parts affected and organs:
Thyroid, esophagus, mouth, teeth, jaw, and respiratory system.
Inner wisdom, communication, and self-_expression through thoughts, writing, speech, dance and art, truth.
Dealing with the functions of the right hemisphere. It can be stimulated to open one to clairaudience and to manifest greater abundance within our lives. Telepathic.
Resisting change, not being able to communicate well with others, gossip, not speaking ones truth.

Sound: ah (cat)
Mantra: Ham

Essential Oils:
Eucalyptus. Chamomile; allows one to speak ones truth calmly and without anger. Helps one to express spiritual truth. Geranium; helps with the _expression and reception of intimate communication. Myrrh; supportive of those who have lost their voice. Sage; assists with harmonious and enthusiastic expression.

Turquoise, lapis lazuli

Help us to develop responsibility. May universal truth impregnate casual action so that the voice of humanity may find true harmony with the voice of the earth.
I love and I exist.
I can speak for myself.
I allow myself to speak my truth.
I express myself freely.
I am creative.
I speak with love.
My words have meaning.
I am a decisive person.
I follow through.
I welcome new ideas and new concepts.
I listen to Divine.
I hear the joys of life.
I am part of life.
I listen with love.