Soul healing through Quantum past life regression
Start your journey of awakening from the inside out.

For over 25 years, I have been fortunate enough to guide and facilitate Past Life and Akashic Records sessions for a diverse range of individuals. Through my group classes, I have provided deep levels of trance states, enabling participants to explore and experience profound journeys into their past lives and beyond. By reaching the theta state, many have been able to delve into the depths of their consciousness, uncovering hidden knowledge and reconnecting with their spiritual essence.

Throughout my life, I have always possessed an intuitive gift, allowing me to connect with higher spiritual beings independently. This unique ability has been an integral part of my career for several decades, guiding me to utilize it in all aspects of my work. Since childhood, I have been able to see and hear those who have transitioned to the other side, fostering an understanding and appreciation of the spiritual realm.

Through channeling my gifts and expertise, I developed guided imagery meditation (GIM) techniques and incorporated them into my teaching endeavors. Over the span of 25 years, my GIM meditations, including the exploration of Past Life and Akashic Records, have been met with resounding success. Participants have shared incredible feedback, expressing their amazement at their ability to perceive, sense, and experience profound insights while fully immersed in the alpha and theta states of consciousness.

However, around a few years ago, I came across the work of the renowned Dolores Cannon and her QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) Academy. Recognizing the immense potential to enhance and expand my existing practices, I decided to embark upon studying and completing the courses on QHHT and BQH (Beyond Quantum Healing). The invaluable knowledge and techniques I acquired during this time have prompted me to embrace QHHT as a complementary approach to the Past Life and Akashic Records sessions I have been offering.
With this newfound integration, I can now provide individuals with a broader range of transformative experiences. QHHT has proven to be an exceptional method to complement the exploration of past lives and accessing the Akashic Records on an individual level. Through this powerful technique, individuals can embark upon their unique journeys of self-discovery and healing, aided by the wisdom and insights that lie hidden within their subconscious minds.

As I expand my repertoire to include QHHT, I feel blessed to share this gift with others. Witnessing the profound impact it has on individuals' lives reaffirms my commitment to help others connect with their inner depths, gain clarity, and unearth the knowledge that can facilitate profound healing and personal growth.

In conclusion, my 25-year experience in facilitating Past Life and Akashic Records sessions, combined with my intuitive abilities, has allowed me to guide and support countless individuals on their spiritual journeys. Through the incorporation of QHHT, I now possess an even more comprehensive approach to assist individuals in discovering their true essence and transforming their lives. The fusion of these invaluable techniques has undoubtedly enriched the offerings I provide to those seeking a deeper connection with their higher selves and the vast universe of infinite possibilities.

Information about the two different techniques

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy (QHHT)

Dolores Cannon: A Pioneer in Regressive Hypnotherapy
Dolores Cannon, an esteemed regressive hypnotherapist, dedicated an impressive 45 years to carefully creating and mastering her craft. With her unique approach, Cannon has garnered widespread respect in the field, assisting thousands of individuals from all corners of the globe. Through her extensive research and tireless efforts, she has contributed to the understanding and exploration of the human mind and consciousness, resulting in the publication of nearly 20 books.

As a regressive hypnotherapist, Cannon employs a technique that taps into the depths of the unconscious mind, allowing her clients to journey through time and space. This method, known as past-life regression, enables individuals to access memories and experiences from previous lifetimes, unveiling hidden insights and offering profound healing opportunities. Through her skilled practice, Cannon has facilitated transformative journeys for countless individuals seeking answers, healing, and self-discovery.

Cannon's expertise and reputation have been built upon her extensive work with an array of clients worldwide. With unwavering dedication, compassion, and exceptional skill, she has guided individuals through deeply emotional and life-altering sessions. Through her gentle and empathetic approach, Cannon creates a safe space for her clients to explore the depths of their subconscious, bringing forth remarkable revelations and healing breakthroughs.

Not content with purely practicing regressive hypnotherapy, Dolores Cannon took her commitment a step further by embarking on extensive research. Her meticulous studies have yielded profound insights into the nature of the human soul, the concept of reincarnation, and the vastness of the collective consciousness. This invaluable knowledge has provided a solid foundation for the publication of nearly 20 books, further establishing her as a leading authority in her field.

The books authored by Cannon serve as essential resources for individuals seeking to comprehend the intricacies of past-life regression and uncover deeper truths about their existence. With each publication, she shares her wealth of knowledge, experiences, and case studies, providing guidance to those embarking on their own personal journeys of self-discovery. Cannon's writings have not only educated and inspired countless readers but have also enhanced the credibility and understanding of regressive hypnotherapy as a whole.

Dolores Cannon's remarkable contributions to the field of regressive hypnotherapy and consciousness exploration have left an indelible mark on the minds and hearts of those she has touched. Her dedication, expertise, and research have propelled her to the heights of respect and admiration within her field. As individuals continue to seek personal growth, healing, and a deeper understanding of their essence, the work of Dolores Cannon will remain as a guiding light, inspiring and empowering for generations to come.

Explore the Infinite Possibilities of Quantum Healing Hypnosis
Quantum Healing Hypnosis (QHH) has its roots in the exploration of past lives, but it has evolved to encompass a broader spectrum of experiences. As human consciousness expands, more than just past lives become accessible to those who embark on this profound journey.

Within the realms of QHH, individuals have reported experiencing future lives, parallel lives, lives on other planets, and even lives in different dimensions. Beyond that, some have ventured to visit the spiritual realm, where one resides when not incarnated on Earth. The opportunities for exploration and discovery are boundless.

QHH allows participants to delve into past events in their current life that possess a deep significance to their present circumstances. Every life, every incarnation, carries a purpose and imparts valuable lessons. Each person's journey is unique and offers an unlimited scope of possibilities.

At the core of QHH lies the belief that, when the client is guided to relax into a Theta state through visualization, they will be transported to "the most appropriate time and place" to address their specific healing needs and seek answers to their current life challenges. In this deeply relaxed state, the client can tap into the wisdom and guidance of their higher self, accessing a profound source of healing and understanding.

Through QHH, individuals have the opportunity to gain insights, heal emotional wounds, and find clarity about their life path. By exploring various dimensions of existence, QHH opens doors to new understandings of the self and the universe. It encourages individuals to expand their consciousness and embrace the vastness of their existence, extending beyond the boundaries of time, space, and personal history.

In the realm of QHH, every possibility is held sacred, and each person's journey is honored and respected. The transformative power of this practice lies in its ability to illuminate the interconnectedness of all lives and experiences, revealing the intricate tapestry we weave throughout our multiple incarnations.

As QHH continues to evolve and adapt to the expanding consciousness of humanity, it beckons individuals to embark on an extraordinary voyage—one that transcends the limitations of linear time and conventional understanding. It invites individuals to awaken to the infinite potential within themselves and to embrace the profound interconnectedness of all existence.

In the realm of QHH, the past, present, and future seamlessly merge, unveiling a tapestry of profound wisdom and healing. By embarking on this journey, individuals can tap into the highest realms of consciousness, accessing transformative insights and clarity that have the power to illuminate their current lives and shape their future endeavors.

QHH stands as a gateway to a reality beyond our ordinary perceptions, beckoning us to embrace the limitless nature of our existence and engage in a profound exploration of the vast mysteries that lie within..

Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH)

Introducing Beyond Quantum Healing: A Journey Beyond Time and Space
Welcome to the transformative world of Expanded Quantum Healing, a modality revered for its ability to delve into the depths of human consciousness and unlock a myriad of possibilities. Developed by Candance Craw-Goldman, a distinguished practitioner who worked alongside the esteemed Dolores Cannon for many years, this original form of quantum healing represents an innovative and evolved version of the well-known QHHT technique.

While QHHT primarily focuses on past life regressions followed by conversations with one's Higher Self, Expanded Quantum Healing takes a leap beyond these boundaries. Through a less tangible induction process, sessions are now open to a vast range of explorations, allowing individuals to traverse different dimensions, experience unfamiliar worlds, and engage in enlightening exchanges with Masters, guides, and the Higher Self itself. The potential for discovery within this modality is truly limitless.

The beauty of Beyond Quantum Healing lies in its accessibility. Candance has enthusiastically endorsed remote sessions conducted via Zoom, enabling clients to embark on this transformative journey from the comfort and privacy of their own homes. No longer bound by physical limitations, individuals can now embrace the healing power of this modality regardless of geographical location.

During an Beyond Quantum Healing session, facilitated by Candance herself, she expertly guides participants into a deep trance state, taking them through the alpha and theta brainwave frequencies. Within this profound state of consciousness, clients can access profound levels of introspection, allowing them to engage with not only past lives but also a host of other experiences and beings.

Imagine traversing the timeless fabric of existence, interacting with alternate dimensions, and receiving wisdom from Masters and guides. Empowering and transformative, Expanded Quantum Healing embarks on a rich journey beyond the boundaries of ordinary reality, offering a holistic approach to healing the mind, body, and spirit.

With its foundation in Candance's extensive experience and the teachings of Dolores Cannon, Beyond Quantum Healing seamlessly integrates the wisdom of the past with a modern approach. By expanding the horizons of traditional quantum healing, this updated modality provides a space for unparalleled exploration and transformation.

If you seek a transformative experience that transcends the confines of time and space, Beyond Quantum Healing beckons you to embark on a journey of self-discovery. Step into a deep trance state, explore past lives, connect with your Higher Self, and unlock the endless possibilities that await you. Join Candance Craw-Goldman and embrace the boundless potential for healing, growth, and enlightenment that lies within you.

Dive into Past Lives and Beyond, Exclusively In-Person

Welcome to my transformative sessions where the mysteries of the soul unfold before your eyes. At this time, I only offer in-person sessions, ensuring a tailored and immersive experience like no other. Brace yourself as we delve into the depths of the subconscious mind.

Through my unique deep trance technique, I guide individuals into the unexplored realms of the alpha and theta brainwaves. Here, the conscious mind takes a backseat, allowing the subconscious to come forth and reveal its secrets. Prepare to embark on a journey that transcends space and time, where past lives and other realities await.

The soul is a vessel that carries the imprints of countless lifetimes. Not confined to the earth plane, our souls venture into various realms and dimensions to acquire wisdom and deepen our understanding of existence. Each lifetime serves as a lesson, a challenge, or an experience that shapes us as spiritual beings. Yet, regrettably, not every soul grasps its purpose or learns from all that life offers.

In my sessions, I aim to unlock the hidden treasures of your soul's journey. By accessing the deepest recesses of your being, we can unravel the tapestry of past lives adorned with triumphs, struggles, and forgotten knowledge. As the barriers between realities crumble, you will encounter diverse forms of existence, expanding your consciousness beyond the boundaries of this earthly plane.

Allow yourself to be drawn into the mysteries that lie within, for they hold the keys to unlocking your true potential. By exploring past lives and beyond, you can gain invaluable insights, learning from each unique experience your soul has undergone. Together, we will navigate the vast cosmic terrain, unearthing the lessons and messages intertwined within the fabric of your existence.
Though these profound sessions are currently available exclusively in person, they guarantee an unparalleled level of connection and guidance. Within the sanctity of a carefully crafted space, your journey will unfold seamlessly, fostering a deep trust that facilitates remarkable growth and self-discovery.

Book your session today, and embark on an extraordinary odyssey through the realms of the soul. Uncover the echoes of ancient memories, traverse vast dimensions, and transform your present by embracing the wisdom of the past. Your soul yearns to be heard—let us embark on this extraordinary voyage together.

Examples of what a session can offer some individuals:

  •  Direction when needing to find out major life concerns.

  • Healing from past traumas.

  • Clarity on life purpose.

  • Renewed relationships with loved ones.

  • Healing on a mind/body/spirit level.

  • Finding meaning to why you are experiencing different things in your life.

  • Discovering why you have different physical issues.

  • A greater connection with your spirit guides, angels and more.

Connecting with your Higher Self for Ultimate Guidance

In the session, we will embark on a profound journey to connect with your higher self, which is the embodiment of your soul and infinite consciousness. It is this higher self that will guide us to explore and gain insights into your past lives. These glimpses into the tapestry of your existence, beyond the bounds of your current lifetime, will provide valuable understanding about the reasons behind the happenings in your life today.

Each past life that your higher self brings forth has a purpose and is intricately linked to your present existence. These past lives hold profound meanings, lessons, and challenges that have contributed to your spiritual evolution and personal growth. By plumbing the depths of these experiences, we can gain profound wisdom that will assist you on your journey in this lifetime.

During the session, we will enter a space where the higher self has complete control over what you will see. It will ensure that you witness only that which will serve your highest good. Rest assured that this process is guided by the benevolence and wisdom of your higher self, which always has your best interests at heart. It possesses knowledge about all your previous incarnations, as well as the periods between each lifetime.

By seeking assistance from your higher self, you will receive pure and unadulterated guidance from the very essence of your being. This guidance is untainted by external influences and represents the true voice of your soul. It knows the vast expanse of your soul's journey, and by tapping into this knowledge, we can access the answers, clarity, and healing that you seek.

When we establish a connection with your higher self, we also tap into the expansive energy of higher consciousness and the beings that assist you throughout your earthly sojourn. These spiritual guides, angels, masters, and supreme beings collaborate to support and guide you. They provide deep insights into the purpose and lessons behind both positive and negative experiences you have encountered. Remember, even the most challenging situations hold immense value in your spiritual and personal growth.

During this session, we will address any questions you have brought with you and discuss how past lives may link to your current physical and health issues. The purpose is to explore potential avenues for healing and offer a comprehensive understanding of your journey.

Remember, you are embarking on a sacred exploration of your soul's vast panorama, seeking enlightenment and evolution. Trust the guidance of your higher self and be open to the profound experiences and revelations that await you. Through this connection, you will find meaning, purpose, and empowerment on your path to spiritual and personal growth.

The first process is clearing the earth ego and to allow the greatest source of light and peace to fill our life.

If you are a seeker of guidance, truth and wisdom or seeking to heal yourself on many different levels, this is for you.

 It is a journey that works with your subconscious and higher self, or some call it higher conscious mind. With the assistance of our spirit guides, angels, and the universe to find the answers to your questions and assist in the souls healing.

 Every session is incredibly unique. Everyone has different experiences and information that comes through the session.

 I recommend approaching the session with an open mind because depending upon your heart, mind and intent, these sessions can deliver answers in many and often unexpected ways.

 This technique is an amazing journey. It is a way of finding that all the answers and healing is within you.

 When we are willing to let go and trust the process something amazing happens. We make room not just for high frequency divine intelligence to weave itself into the structure, but to create the structure itself.

 The technique acts as an assurance that we will be on our journey of healing. Though, when we are willing to let go and trust the process something wonderful happens. We make space not just for high frequency divine intelligence to weave itself into the procedure, but to create the structure itself.

 Have no idea how a session is going to unfold and yet, if we can hold space in a state of openness, we can be sure that the healing will happen.

Sometimes it may seem as though the journey is unfolding in a way that does not make sense, but experience will show us that if we continue to trust we will eventually be amazed at the intelligent and miraculous way it all comes together in the end.

 People come for a session for many different reasons. The main reason is to heal some aspects of your life. While others will also have need for greater understanding of their life and make their life better in some way. They also have questions about the universe, God and how their connections is with everything.

Preparing for a session

  • The most important thing for you do to prepare for your own session is to be relaxed.

  • It does require you to surrender to the process, state your intention or what you want to get out of the session and accepting the connection that occurs.

  • Trust that only that which is ready and capable of healing will present in a session. Your higher consciousness / soul is totally in control. It will be showing you the past life that only you need to view at this time.

  • Make sure you have honest communication with your practitioner. They are there to ensure that you feel comfortable and safe throughout the journey.

  • When you come to the session, have an open mind. Your job is to be open, step back and receive the truth your Higher Self has already prepared for you.

  • Remove any thoughts that you cannot go into that deep state. That is what can block you. It is your earth ego mind that interferes in the session when we do not want it. This is a reason some can not go under a deep state.

  • Try not to be in the mind space of having great expectation or it needs to be a certain way or outcome. Unfortunately, that can block and hinder the session. The best way is to be very open to anything that comes through.

If you never meditated (guided imagery) before, you would want to be able to do so. This is very important for some to be able to get into this state and to visualize. The best way is to do guided imagery meditation. This is one of mine that I have recorded that can assist you on do it. Listen now. But it is very important that you can follow along and visualize to make this session work. Otherwise, it will not work.

Here is an audio that I recorded on using all your senses. This will assist you during the session as you will be exploring to find information. Listen now.

You will also want to be able to visualize. If I say see a yellow flower. Close your eyes now, can you see in your mind a flower that is yellow? Try that with other things too.

You will need to bring in a written (or typed) list of questions that you will want to go over during the session.


  • Health issues

  • Present or past.

  • Purpose and path

  • Relationship

  • Career / employment

  • Life decisions

  • Self-sabotage or self-defeating issues

  • Closure with loved ones that passed

  • Mysterious events that have happened

  • How to connect with your spirit guides etc.

Examples of questions:

  • Why do I keep getting in relationships with the same type of people?

  • How can my relationship with my family get better?

  • Why was/is ______in my life?

  • Why am I struggling with ____ in my life? (Addictions, emotions etc)

  • What career is best suited for me?

  • I had a bad car accident years ago and it is still on my mind why did it happen.

  • How can I get better understanding about things in my life?

  • I have fears regarding water, why do I have that?

  • I always think the worst will happen and cannot get rid of the thoughts. How can I correct that?

  • I have had allergies all my life, why?

  • How can I increase my intuitive abilities?

​Please understand this is not like a psychic reading. Don’t bring in questions like should I buy a car and such that you would ask in a reading.

No alcohol or recreational drugs for 24 hours prior to the session.

No caffeine before the session. As it is a stimulant and will interfere with the deep trance states that you need to get into.

Eat a light meal within an hour or two before your session. Since the session last a long time, you want to have something in your stomach.

Who this may not be for

If you consider yourself a controlling person, you might find it challenging to fully immerse yourself in certain experiences or reach the deep states required for true connection. Your conscious mind tends to interfere, undermining the process with doubts and skepticism. It whispers discouraging thoughts like, "it won't work," "this is foolish," or "nothing is happening." These mental barriers prevent you from embracing the moment fully.

Controlling personalities, often referred to as "left brainers," tend to struggle with relinquishing control and allowing themselves to surrender to the experience. The constant need for order and logic can hinder the ability to dive into the unknown. Consequently, approaching sessions that require a more open mindset might pose difficulties for those who possess a strong desire to remain in control.

It's essential to acknowledge that these sessions may not be suitable for everyone. Each individual's capacity to let go differs, and those who are deeply ingrained in their controlling nature may find it particularly challenging to embrace the journey fully. These individuals tend to struggle with silencing their conscious mind long enough to allow the experience to unfold naturally.

It is important to note that there are no guarantees regarding the outcome of these sessions. The results depend entirely on the willingness and openness of each individual participant. It is up to you to determine what you receive from these experiences, as they are highly subjective in nature.

If you resonate with the description of a controlling person, it is crucial to reflect on your ability to let go and surrender to the unknown. Only by freeing your mind from the constraints of control can you truly immerse yourself in the depths of these experiences.

Important Considerations for Individuals with PTSD, Severe Mental Illness, or Severe Depression in Past Life Regression

If you are dealing with PTSD, severe mental illness, or severe depression, it is essential to approach past life regression sessions with caution. While past life regression can be a fascinating process for many, it may pose unique challenges and potential emotional distress for individuals struggling with these conditions. I want to emphasize the importance of seeking support from licensed mental health professionals who are experienced in conducting these sessions.

It is crucial to understand that past lives may reveal unsettling experiences. After all, our past lives are not necessarily filled with perfection; otherwise, we would not continually reincarnate. Additionally, revisiting the death scenes of past lives can be a traumatic experience for some individuals. These aspects of past life regression might potentially trigger emotional distress, exacerbate symptoms, or resurface painful memories.

As a non-licensed mental health counselor, I cannot provide the necessary expertise to support you through emotional episodes that may arise during a session. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you consult with a licensed mental health professional before embarking on a past life regression.

Licensed mental health professionals specializing in past life regression have the necessary training and skills to guide you safely through the process. They can assess your readiness for this type of experience, help you develop coping mechanisms, and offer appropriate support if emotional distress occurs.

Remember, the objective of past life regression should always be to promote healing, self-understanding, and personal growth. But for individuals with PTSD, severe mental illness, or severe depression, the potential risks deserve careful attention and the guidance of a qualified professional.

If you're interested in exploring past life regression and believe it could benefit you, take the proactive step of seeking out a licensed mental health professional. They will ensure that your journey into past lives is navigated safely, with your emotional well-being as the top priority.

Interview Portion – first part of the session

This part of the beginning of the session is the first stage of the journey. Before you schedule the session and make your payment, I will ask you some questions to make sure you are a good candidate for the session. After that, I will send you a list of questions and information for you to fill out in regards to your life. Information about what is call the main characters in your life (mom, dad, siblings, children, husband(s) or wife(s). Also about any notable events in your life, trauma or major things that happened to you. Just a briefly explain. This will need to be sent back to me 24 hrs prior to appointment.

 The questioning will be on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual to get an understanding where the healing is needed. As the client is asked to share their story to understand the whole core dynamics that started in early life. It will show the patterns and events that have occurred that brought them through to this point. They share their story in a place of honesty and openness.

This part of the journey is very important when working with the client. Very much healing can happen just during this part of the session. By speaking your story, you release what is needed. Clients feel secure and safe in a nonjudgement and compassion space that is given to them at that time. All information is kept confidential.

Why do we go over this? Is that it all or most comes from past life experiences. Why we have a lifetime with others and why things happen to us for the positive and negative. It assists in putting the pieces together to be able to heal, release and let go.

You will let me know of any health issues that you may have. If you had any major health issues but are healed from, we can ask about that as well.

Then find out why you want to go through this experience and what you want to get out of it.

The more I know about your journey so far in life, the better questions we can ask your higher consciousness.

When you arrive for your session, we will go over the questions that you have with you. This will allow me to understand them and may explain them in a way that we can try to get answers during the session. During the session I will also asking questions on your behalf that can receive better understanding on what is happening in your life. The founder of QHHT Dolores Cannon always called herself a reporter and detective trying to find the answers from the subject during the session. That is what I will be doing as well.

The session

The session starts by getting you comfortable. I do this on my massage table that you will be propped up with a pillow, legs slightly elevated to make it more comfortable and blanket to keep you warm while you are in the deep state.

I begin by guiding you into deep states of relaxation. Moving you into the alpha and theta state by visualization and talking techniques. Then we move into the past life where you will experience an existence of your soul. Please note that not only can we have an experience on this earth plane but you and almost everyone else has had experience on other planes, realities and existences other than a human. Each have meanings, lessons and challenges. By viewing these, can assist you on your journey in this lifetime.

When you are into that past life or existence, that is when I will start the recording of your session.

Everyone’s experience is unique to them. Some may experience viewing like a movie, experiencing as within that body of who they were, or even seeing themselves as a third person. Meaning of third person is viewing themselves but you will know or figure out easily which one is you. Some may see flashes of events or played out like a whole movie, but you are in it.

I will ask you to describe what you are seeing, feeling emotionally and what comes into your mind, doing, smelling, hearing etc. You will be playing like a detective getting all the information that you can find. Example: you will be describing the home you live in at that time. The exterior of the building, what it is make of etc. All this can give clues to time periods etc. I will walk you through it by asking you questions you will not have to remember to do this at all. It comes naturally.

Just remember that your higher consciousness and soul will take you to an experience that you need to view.

After the past life, your will be guided into a more deeper trance state. At this point you will be channeling through this high vibration of light that has complete understanding about you. They are connected to all the knowledge that is known about us, in the past and future lives. During the session it will only share what is appropriate and necessary for each client in their evolution as a soul. I will be asking why the past life was shown to the client. The meaning behind that lifetime and how it can assist them on their path in this lifetime. I will be asking for a body scan to be done to find anything that needs to be healed. Also, I will ask why they are experiencing any problems within the body regarding physically, mentally and emotionally. Sometimes I have experienced that the client still needs to learn lessons from that issue in order to grow as a soul. It might be something that they brought over into this lifetime to experience, and it is not ready to be let go of yet. Immediate multidimensional healing can take place.

In this process we must trust the information that comes to us. Being open to this process and trusting the wisdom that is given to you. You will discover the answers to questions that you have had for a long time.

During the session where I communicate with the higher consciousness, I will ask if it is suitable for healing to occur. The healing is done on many ways and is all up to your higher consciousness and how the higher vibrational energy will heal it at that time. Some even will experience the healing at nighttime when they are asleep. I will also ask why this illness, disease, etc occur. This will give the individual better understanding of why they have this. At times when the soul is asked if they want to be healed of an issue, it may say no. It is because they are still dealing with the issues around it. Or they may not be ready to let go. It also can be this is one of the main reasons they came into this incarnation or is a part of the passing. It is never up to me what is done. It is totally up to your soul. There is no guarantees, but there can be remarkable results with clients during a session.

After the healing, I will ask the questions that the client has. Sometimes the answers are short or long, but never up to me on what will be given. But when the client reviews the audio at different times later, a better understanding of the messages will be known. Sometimes it will be thoughts that come to them after hearing a question. This is the information from them coming through or releasing from the subconscious mind. During the session, some information is spoken, and some goes directly to the client without me hearing it. It is all up to them how and what they want to share. If information is not given it might be because the client does not need to know this at that time. It might interfere in their soul’s journey in this lifetime.

Then at the end, the client is brought back up to conscious state.
The session time can take up to 2 hours’ time.

After the session discussion

Right after the session we will be discussing what happened in your session. We will spend some time integrating any insights received into your current life to discover a pathway to a more joyous and satisfying way of BEING. It is my hope that your experience will bring a realization of greater peace and understanding - which in turn brings self-love, forgiveness, and compassion.

Following Your Session

Please do not listen to the recording of the session on the way home. You could go back into trance, and it is not safe for you.
Make sure to eat something after leaving the session. This will keep you grounded and focused.

For about three days after the session the connection will remain open to your Higher Self, higher consciousness, supreme being. You can ask for more healing to happen. Any questions that still need to be answered or you forgot to ask, ask in your mind’s eye for the answer to the question. That you will have the answer to it later. One at a time is the best.

Sometimes it can take some time to process everything that has happened during a session, especially when many meaningful things can happen in such a short period of time. Pay attention because important information may be coming through to you when you least expect it. When you listen back to the audio of the session, you most likely will have more information come through.

This can be through telepathic messages or just the knowing. Some of the information that is given is short and not lengthy. You will have received more from them or even heard more in your mind than what was spoken. Sometimes the information is not all given because it might interfere in your course of your path.

Most individuals will experience more healing to continue in the next couple to few days. Make sure to drink plenty of water and rest if needed. If it is too intense always ask them (your higher conscious self and universe) to slow it down or stop. But the main purpose of the session is for the healing so most do not do that.

Try not to allow the conscious ego earth mind to get in the way and tell you nothing happened. It likes to do that. Allow the healing to happen and accept it.

Please be sure to drink plenty of water. It will help you to energetically release physical and emotional toxins that are ready to move from your emotional, etheric, and physical bodies.

Some but not all clients may have physical changes or experiences. These may show up in many different ways. Rare but some clients feel nauseated, dizzy or may feel aches or pains of some sort. This is your body adjusting to the new energy you are now in. It is nothing to be alarmed about. Drink plenty of water, treat these symptoms with love and know they are there helping you to expand. Any physical discomfort from the session will dissipate in a fairly short period of time. Additionally, know that if you get no symptoms your session is just as valuable as if you got physical symptoms. Please note, however, that if you feel you need medical attention, seek it. It is something happening other than from your session.

Have a question you forgot to ask or want clarification, that for 3 days following your session you will have a more open door to your Higher Self. This is a fantastic opportunity for you as you may have additional questions regarding your session. You can ask a question and then let it go. At a time where you are not expecting it, you will receive the answer. Another way of doing this is to ask the question prior to going to sleep at night using the statement "I will know the answer in the morning."

I am always interested in client's experiences following a session. If you have any questions, concerns, need to process your session or want to share your experiences, please don't hesitate to contact me. I'd love to hear from you!

What you need to know about me

I am not a medical doctor and do not diagnose, cure or prevent any disease, and I do not practice medicine. I am not a psychologist or social worker and do not treat mental illness. My spiritual work across platforms does not equate to or replace mental health treatment, medical treatment, or other clinical services. I do not practice clinical hypnotherapy. All guidance and healing in the sessions is spiritual in nature and comes from the client's own Higher Self, Inner Wisdom and Spirit Guides, and the client is fully responsible for making their own decisions.

Please contact me directly to schedule an appointment for the following sessions.

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy (QHHT) Dolores Cannon original technique

This is a thorough and multi-stage process. Each stage in the process offers opportunities to cultivate deeper awareness and understanding so that one can heal and expand in consciousness. Sessions last about 3 - 4 hours depending on the unique set of circumstances in each session. I suggest keeping the entire day free to accommodate the session time and integration.

Returning client session approx. 3 hrs. $200 Session is shorter. A review of the questions you want asked. Then followed with the session and after session review.


Soul’s journey healing through past life healing ~ Past life / Akashic records

Journey Into a Past Life: Exploring the Depths of Your Existence
Past Life Regression session that I have been honing for over 25 years. We embark on a fascinating adventure, delving into the mystical realms of your past soul's existence. This journey aims to uncover and illuminate the life you once lived, allowing you to explore and learn more about your profound connection with the past.

In this session, our primary focus is on the exploration of a past life. By invoking the presence of your spirit guides, we invite their wisdom and guidance to accompany us on this transformative voyage. Through my guidance, I will assist you in attaining deep states of relaxation, seamlessly transitioning into the alpha and theta brainwave stages. It is within these tranquil realms that the inner landscapes of your past life experiences can be revealed and comprehended.

During the regression, I will communicate with you, gently guiding and probing for information about the past life you are currently experiencing. We will strive to unravel the intricate connections between your present life and the mysteries of that lifetime. With great deference to your higher consciousness and higher self, we shall endeavor to traverse the depths of your soul's journey, potentially discovering not just one, but up to two past lives.

Prepare yourself for a wondrous voyage into the enigmatic corridors of time. Through this regression, you have the chance to immerse yourself in the scenes, emotions, and memories of a bygone era. Each step you take, each revelation you encounter, carries the potential to unravel the tapestry of your existence and provide profound insights into your current path.

As we embark on this journey together, remember to approach it with an open mind and heart. Allow the past to slowly unveil its secrets, for it is within these secrets that the echoes of your soul's eternal voyage lie. Embrace this unique opportunity to connect with your past lives and expand your understanding of the profound tapestry of your existence.

Are you ready? Let us embark on this extraordinary expedition into the depths of your soul, guided by the wisdom of your spirit guides and illuminated by the eternal light that resides within.

If you have never experienced a guided imagery meditation before or have a hard time visualizing, please practice before scheduling a session. It is very important. In the above information, you will find links to some meditations of mine that can assist. Please read and listen to the audios on the section of 'preparing for a session' You will also benefit to view my webpage on preparing to meditate.