Sacral Chakra

Color: Orange
Location: navel to pelvic bone area
Element: water

Mental Belief:
Beliefs about feelings. Are they okay or not? Must I carry others feelings or not?
Feeling component:
Home of our feeling-body templates and access point to energies that feed, support, and heal our feelings.
Physical process:
Source of fluidity necessary to keep system open and adaptable.
Spiritual perceptions:
Point for acknowledging the dualities of life; contains the assistance the soul needs to experience wholeness through duality.

Body parts affected and organs:
Adrenals, reproductive system and muscular system of the body, eliminative system, spleen, bladder, pancreas, and kidneys. The detoxification of the body.
Inner child, sexuality, authority, power, feelings of self and others, creativity, female power center.
The ability to create in your life. Developed with open you to the astral plane.
Selfishness, lustful, conceited, mistrust of others, worrying what others thinks, unable to get along with others, co-dependency, issues from stored, stuck or unexpressed emotions from self to others, creative blocks, stress and fertility issues.

Sound: o (note)
Mantra: Vam

Essential Oils:
Patchouli. Geranium; nourishes feminine creativity. Promotes spontaneity. Jasmine; inks sexuality and spirituality. Helps creative and artistic development. Orange; promotes joy in sexuality and creativity. Rose; connects sexuality with the heart and encourages a love of beauty. Sandalwood; increases sexual energy.

Carnelian, moonstone, tiger’s eye, and citrine.

May the unity of humanity with each other and the earth enable true creativity. May release from a sense of sin and unworthiness led us into the full knowledge of our empowerment as co-creators, at one with and a part of the divine.
I love and I feel.
I move forward without hesitation.
I release the old and welcome the new.
I seek only good everywhere. Right action is taking place.
I am fulfilled.
I let others be themselves and I am free.
I stand in truth.
I move forward with joy.
I have spiritual understanding.