
Larimar, also known as Pectolite, holds a captivating story that dates back to its discovery in 1916 by a Spanish priest. This remarkable stone is unique in that it can only be found in one place on earth: the tranquil island of Hispaniola, nestled in the picturesque Caribbean Sea. Geologists have unraveled the mystery behind Larimar, revealing it to be a rare form of blue pectolite. Yet, its captivating allure doesn't stop there. In a heartfelt homage, the stone was named after its rediscoverer's daughter, Larissa, alongside the Spanish word for sea, "mar." This enchanting gem boasts breathtaking hints of the Caribbean sea, adorned with wisps of white and gray that resemble ethereal clouds. Beyond its visually striking appearance, Larimar is believed to have powers that enable us to see events from diverse perspectives. Legends even suggest that this captivating stone might hold the key to fulfilling Edgar Cayce's prophecy of discovering the blue gem with extraordinary healing abilities, which he prophesied would be found in the Caribbean. Some even speculate that within these turquoise depths, a fragment of the lost city of Atlantis may rest, waiting to be unearthed.

Assists in:

  • Awakening the feminine power.

  • Sooths the emotions.

  • Balances the water and fire energies.

  • Assists in expression of the emotions.

  • Teaches respect, love and nurturing.

  • Cleanses unhealthy emotional blocks.

  • Releases attachments.

  • Promotes tranquility.

  • Inner peace and serenity.

  • It is useful in time of pressure and stressful change as its cooling and calming energy is said to help soothe frazzled nerves and reduce stress.

  • Alleviates feelings of guilt and fear.

  • Aids in communication in relationships.

  • Reduces tendencies to become over critical of both your self and of others.

  • Encourages you to let go and allowing things to happen rather than trying to control the outcome.

  • Inner wisdom.

  • Brings in clarity.

On a physical level it can assist with the following:

  • Excellent for pregnant or new mothers to relieve depression and stress.

  • Reduces depression

  • Relieve the symptoms of bipolar disorder.

  • Promotes self healing

  • Ease cartilage

  • Throat conditions

Placed on a painful area it is said to gently draw out the pain and provide soothing relief.

Chakra associated with: heart, third eye, crown and throat

Astrological signs associated with: Leo