Healing with sound meditation

Discover the power of each chakra and its unique sound and mantra. Follow this step-by-step guide for a transformative meditation and healing experience that will help you connect with your inner self.

Begin by finding a quiet place where you won't be disturbed. Turn off all electronic devices and consider playing soft music in the background if you would like.

Sit straight to ensure you don't fall asleep while doing this exercise. Start by taking a few deep breaths in and out. Breathe slowly through your nose, imagining white positive light entering your body, and count how many seconds it takes to inhale and fill your entire lower abdomen. Then, hold that breath for the same number of seconds and exhale slowly through your mouth for the same amount of time. As you exhale, imagine releasing all the negative energy, discord, frustrations, and mind chatter from your body. For example, if you take 5 seconds to inhale, hold your breath for 5 seconds, and then exhale for 5 seconds. Keep doing this for at least 3 minutes.

Imagine a bright and pure white light entering your body through the crown chakra at the top of your head. As this light passes through this energy center, it activates it, opening it up to its full potential. The light then moves down to your third eye, located in the center of your forehead, which activates this energy center. You may feel a sense of clarity and heightened intuition as the light moves through this area.

From there, the light travels down to your throat chakra, located in the center of your throat. As it passes, you may feel a sense of ease and release as the light activates and balances this energy center.

The light then moves down to your heart chakra in the center of your chest. As it passes, you may feel a sense of warmth and love as the light activates and balances this energy center.

Next, the light moves down to your solar plexus, located in the center of your abdomen. As it passes, you may feel a sense of power and confidence as the light activates and balances this energy center.

The light then moves down to your sacral chakra, located in the lower abdomen. As it passes, you may feel a sense of pleasure and creativity as the light activates and balances this energy center.

Finally, the light moves down to your base chakra at the bottom of your spine. As it passes, you may feel a sense of grounding and stability as the light activates and balances this energy center.

Take a moment to breathe deeply and sit within, feeling the light and the energy centers within you. Imagine this light filling your entire body, healing and revitalizing every cell, tissue, and organ. Allow yourself to feel the warmth and comfort of this healing light.

Finally, imagine this light expanding around you, forming a protective bubble shielding you from harmful energies. As you sit within this bubble of light, feel yourself becoming increasingly calm, peaceful, and content.

Begin by placing both hands on the seven chakras, starting at the base and moving up to the crown chakra. As you focus on each chakra, notice the energy flowing from your hands, the warmth or coolness of the power, and how it feels against your skin. Take time with each chakra, allowing yourself to experience the sensation fully. Pay attention to the sound you hear as you work on each chakra. It may be a subtle humming or buzzing sound or a vibrant vibration you can feel throughout your body. Allow yourself to fully immerse in the experience as you channel the energy of each chakra and feel its unique qualities.

For each of the chakras, the following is the sound and mantra to say:
Base: Sound: oo (boot) Mantra: Lam
Sacral: Sound: o (note) Mantra: Vam
Solar Plexus: Sound: aw (saw) Mantra: Ram
Heart: Sound: ay (hay) Mantra: Yam
Throat: Sound: ah (cat) Mantra: Ham
Third Eye: Sound: ee (see) Mantra: Om
Crown: Sound: ee (see) Mantra: Om

Once you have completed balancing and clearing each of the seven chakras, inhale deeply and exhale slowly. As you do so, bring your awareness back to the present moment, fully immersing yourself in the here and now. This will help you ground yourself and recharge your energy, feeling refreshed and revitalized.