Healing Mother Earth
Start by being in a comfortable position. And relax
Taking few deep breaths in through the nose; love & light energy, filling your entire body and exhaling out all the negative energy.
If you have a picture of the earth or just an image in your mind will work. Place your hands on your lap or legs with the palms facing outward as to direct the energy to the earth. During this time just allow the energy to flow through you. You will feel your hand warming, energy sensations and energy moving through them. Just sit in peace and if you wish you can pray or just visualize that healing energy and positive energy is covering the entire earth. Or allow your guides and angels to direct you.
Say the following:
Divine, please send your perfect love to all those that are affect by all the devastations and tragedies that have happened and are happening. We send your love and light to every being here on the earth plane include mother earth. To be healed, comforted and to feel your loving presence.
Allowing for the healing and light energy to be channeled through us at this time, to be sent to those that are in need of your loving energy. Allow for us to be the channel that you and the universe need us to be at this time.
Divine, I send your love out to everyone in this city, state, country and to everyone and everything that is here on earth. We send an extra abundance of love to those that are suffering from these tragic events.
We cover this planet with a huge cloud of Divines love and send beams of love and light to every man, woman and child on earth, every living thing that is on earth, leaving nothing to not experiencing your loving healing energy. So it be