The following is a list of crystals that are good for healing, intuitive and spiritual development.

Amethyst -Promotes spiritual awareness and contentment. This crystal is excellent to use with meditation. This crystal helps in the development of the third eye in the crown chakra.
Aquamarine -Assist in reducing stress, coming, eases fears and enhances creativity.
Aventurine-This stone is used for many different types of healing.
Bloodstone-this is used for any healing dealing with the blood. It is also used to assist and clairvoyance.
Carnelian-A wonderful stone to use with issues related to the sacral that might deal with inner childhood and abuse issues.
Citrine-The stone is used with the solar plexus chakra dealing with anger issues.
Fluorite-this is used for healing with the emotions of the heart.
Hematite- the stone of grounding your energies and also transforms negative and neutralizes the energy.
Jade- this stone enhances the dream state by placing underneath the pillow what dreaming.
Lapis Lazuli-this crystal assist in the spiritual awakening. Also, enhances the throat and the third eye chakra.
Malachite-This is an excellent stone for enhancing meditation and dream work. Also used for all overcoming addictions. Also known as the healer's stone.
Rose quartz-This stone is mainly used for healing the heart chakra. By enhancing the qualities of unconditional love for self to others, self esteem and healing the emotions of a heart.
Sodalite-this stone increases spiritual awareness. It assists in the link between communications with spirit.
Tiger's eye-this stone is used for balancing energies of the yin and yang. It is excellent to use with issues related to the solar plexus that deal with anger and negative energy.
Turquoise-this stone is used for communications. Also this stone can assist in the communication with the universe.

Abundance: (We know that there are many forms of abundance--health, friendship, creativity. In this category we're talking about material abundance, or, if you prefer, money): Citrine, emerald, smoky quartz.
Anxiety relief: Rhodochrosite
Balancing of emotions and intellect: (or intuition and reason. Lack of balance can show up when people have a million new ideas which they never follow through on, when they are constantly overwhelmed by emotion, when they demand a scientific explanation for everything, or have difficulty expressing their emotions): malachite, moss agate, sodalite.
Calming: Amethyst, aquamarine, chrysocolla.
Communication: Amazonite, aquamarine, blue lace agate, turquoise.
Creativity: (whether you want to create a new job, relationship, living place, or more traditional art forms) carnelian, garnet, malachite, tiger's eye.
Depression/negativity relief: citrine, moonstone, smoky quartz
Dreams: Amethyst, sugilite.
Emotional healing: Emerald, moonstone, rhodonite, rose quartz
Emotional protection: hematite, rose quartz.
Energy: (this could be the ability to have more energy or to be more attuned to subtle energy) garnet, ruby
Grounding: all dark stones, including hematite, smoky quartz, tiger's eye. Carnelian and jasper are also considered to be grounding.
Letting go of anger and grief: amethyst, rose quartz
of guilt and resentments: sugilite
Love: rhodonite, rose quartz
Mental clarity: carnelian, sodalite
Psychic development: Amethyst, lapis, labradorite/spectrolite
Relationships: quartz clusters, any of the love stones above
Self-esteem: All agates, rose quartz, smoky quartz
Stress relief: Amethyst, aquamarine