Base Chakra
Color: Red
Location: Pelvic area
Element: earth
Mental Belief:
Core beliefs about worthiness of life and all that life has to offer.
Feeling component:
Access point of energies that determine our primary feelings or reactions to others feelings.
Physical process:
Seat of our genetic and human collective gene pools.
Spiritual perceptions:
Place where we can realize that we are a model of Divines expression in the physical.
Body parts affected & organs
Gonads, ovaries, legs, feet, coccyx, circulatory system, and the reproductive system.
Life force energy, grounding, passion, family values, our right to exits, food, material, housing and financial.
It can be developed to open us to the awareness of past life talents and ease fears. It is the seat of the kundalini energy.
Aggression, manipulative, impulsive, reckless, abruptness, possessiveness, territorial, needing approval, power-conscious, hyperactivity, bullying, obsessively sexual, family dysfunctions, gender confusion, addictions, compulsions, childhood issues, financial, material and housing.
Sound: oo (boot)
Mantra: Lam
Essential Oils:
Sandalwood; unification of body, mind and spirit. Cedarwood; connects us with earthly forces. Frankincense; calming, centering helping to link base and crown. Myrrh; strengthening and energizing. Patchouli; grounding-good for those that live in their heads. Vetiver; balancing, grounding and protective.
Smokey Quartz, agate, bloodstone, tiger’s eye, hematite, and carnelian.
Through incarnation may spirit be brought into matter. Through rootedness, may life force be recharged and exchanged. We acknowledge wholeness and seek to gain and to reflect acceptance.
I joyfully move forward supported and sustained by the power of life. I move into my greater good. I am secure.
I love and I am stable.
Control issues- I accept control over my life only.
I let others be themselves and I am free.
Addictions - I do not accept anything interfering in my well being.
I now discover how wonderful I am.
I choose to love and enjoy myself.
Survival issues - I accept abundance to enter within my life.
I live in perfect harmony.