
This stone helps connect to high-level spiritual guidance. Apatite aids in maintaining emotional balance during public speaking and group communication by addressing heart and throat chakra issues.

Apatite, a gemstone with powerful healing energy, is known for revitalizing its owner's mind and spirit. This gemstone is particularly effective in building inner strength and helping its owner grow emotionally and spiritually. With its guidance, you can move forward to new levels of awareness and personal growth. If you're looking to boost your self-belief or self-acknowledgement, Apatite may be the perfect gemstone for you. Its deep blue to green hues will also add a touch of beauty to your jewelry collection.

Apatite is a unique stone that has dual-action properties that are beneficial for personal and collective growth. It has the ability to clear away negative thoughts, confusion, and apathy while stimulating the intellect to expand knowledge and truth. This expansion can be used for personal growth or for the betterment of society. Additionally, Apatite is known as the "Stone of Manifestation" as it promotes a humanitarian outlook and encourages service to others.

Blue Apatite is a spiritual stone that has a profound cleansing effect on the aura, especially in the mental body. This vibratory level is associated with psychic perception and paranormal abilities. This stone is particularly effective in past-life or alternate-life work because it can access the energy levels where an individual's soul patterns and the Akashic records exist. It is an excellent dream stone that can help with creative problem-solving and vertical vision. With its help, one can see multiple levels of consciousness operating harmoniously and simultaneously.

Chakra: Heart, throat, third eye, base and solar plexus